Manager's Onboarding Checklist for New Employees

This checklist is designed to assist with the department’s onboarding process. Onboarding is a long-term process that begins before an employee’s start date and continues after employment has officially begun. The hiring manager may add additional activities that are relevant to the new employee’s area.

Some of the following items may not apply to internal transfers, part-time employees, or student employees.


  • Review and customize the onboarding checklist for your new employee
  • Confirm offer letter sent, signed, and returned by new employee (typically sent out by HR Generalist after receipt of signed offer letter)
  • Call to welcome employee and confirm schedule and other pressing items for the first day of employment (time to report, where to report, attire, etc.)
  • Provide new employee with a departmental contact in the event of a question or issue
  • Request a temporary parking permit for new employee until the permanent decal arrives.  Ensure new employee is aware of process for ordering a permanent parking permit.  
  • Provide new employee with the application for an Employee ID Card 
  • Business Card - order form available on myFramingham
  • Office Key - contact Facilities if new keys are needed
  • Confirm phone extension
  • ITS (Computer, printer, phone, etc. should be in place for first day)
    • User Account created when HR completes EPAF process
  • Set up a time during employee’s first week with the Benefits Specialist to set up a time for employee to meet regarding new hire benefits election (retirement, benefits, etc.)
  • Inform employee of Union Steward and contact information, if applicable


First Day

  • Plan to make the first day a pleasant and special one
  • Tour the work space
  • Introduce new employee to co-workers
  • Tour campus
  • Lunch with colleagues
  • If a scheduled appointment for benefits orientation has not been made yet please email Madeline Mejias,
  • Obtain ID Card and, if needed, temporary parking permit from University Police (employee must apply for permanent decal)
  • Consider assigning an Onboarding Peer
  • Review specific job responsibilities

Within First Week

  • Review time and attendance procedures and time entry in MassHR as applicable
  • Discuss department goals and expectations
  • Discuss University mission and values 
  • Discuss Strategic Plan, goals, and priorities
  • Discuss University commitment to antiracism

Within First 10 Days

  • Remind employee to complete benefit election paperwork by 10th calendar day of employment
  • Remind employee to complete policy acknowledgments through myFramingham

Within Two Weeks

  • Complete Banner User Authorization Form and Banner Training if applicable
  • State Ethics Training - Mandatory

Remember that Onboarding in an Ongoing Process

  • Conduct regular check-ins
  • Identify training and engagement opportunities
  • Establish and monitor goals
  • Seek and provide feedback
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Article ID: 151055
Fri 4/14/23 2:16 PM
Tue 7/2/24 5:07 PM