There are several different styles/layouts for the Home Page of a Canvas course. You can find a more detailed description of this process, with pictures, in this Canvas Community Article.
1. Open course
2. In the course navigation menu (2nd menu from left), click "Home"
3. On the homepage, there are several buttons on the far right side. Click the "Choose Home Page" Button
4. Click the radio button next to the Home Page layout you prefer. The most common are "Course Modules" and "Pages Front Page"
5. If you want to select a Pages Front Page but the link is grayed out, you must first set a Front Page. You can find all the pages for your course in the "Pages" area of the course navigation menu (you may also need to click the "View all Pages" button). You can also create a new page here (+Page button). From the list of pages, choose the page you prefer as your front page, click the 3 dots on the right side of the page name, and click "use as Front page". Find a more detailed description of pages in this Canvas Community Article.
6. Return to the homepage, click "Choose Home Page" Button (right sidebar), and select your preferred homepage.
7. Click the Save button.