FAQ for Academic Department Chairs Hiring Visiting Lecturers


This FAQ addresses common questions academic department chairs have about hiring new part-time faculty into the day program.


Q: How do I hire part-time day faculty (referred to as Visiting Lecturers or VLs)?

A: Please refer to the Faculty Hiring Guide. Rolling application pools are available for each academic department and some programs. You can review applicants and encourage referrals to apply through these pools. To request access, please submit a ticket to HR.


Q: How long will it take to hire a new faculty member?

A: This will depend on many factors but please allow a minimum of two weeks and encourage applicants to be responsive to HR outreach regarding new hire paperwork.


Q: I would like to hire someone who used to teach for FSU but has been gone for a while. Do I need to rehire them?

A: Faculty member accounts and payroll records are deactivated after two consecutive semesters without a teaching assignment. After that time, they will need to be rehired. Please refer to the Faculty Hiring Guide or contact HR for questions and support in this process.


Q: How much should I tell the faculty member they will be paid?

A: Day program Visiting Lecturers are paid at either the Non-Unit or Unit Member rate:

Non-unit VL rate:

Unit (Day contract) VL rate:

As of January 1, 2024:

$1,633.86 per credit hour

($6,535.44 for 4-cr course)

As of January 1, 2024:

$2,253.60 per credit hour

($9,014.40 for 4-cr course)

These rates should be used for guidance only. Please keep in mind that certain courses are compensated according to unique workloads based on the course type and subject. The contract will list the faculty member’s official salary.


Q: Which VLs have Unit Member status?

A: Per the MSCA contract, part-time faculty teaching in their third consecutive semester at the University, are entitled to Unit Member status. It is important to note that it is required that the semesters be consecutive.

After receiving Unit Member status the faculty member may retain Unit status for up to one non-instructional semester. After two consecutive non-instructional semesters, the faculty member must be rehired to the University and will be returned to Non-Unit status.


Q: Who should I contact with additional questions?

A: For hiring and onboarding questions: hronboarding@framingham.edu

For questions about payment rates and contracts: institutionalprocess@framingham.edu



Article ID: 159300
Mon 5/20/24 2:22 PM
Mon 7/1/24 9:10 AM