Add a randomized set of questions from a question bank in Canvas

If you would like to add a random selection of questions to a Canvas quiz, so that each student has a different set of questions, it is possible to do this using Classic Quizzes or New Quizzes, but the steps are different depending on the type you choose.

1. If you are creating a quiz from scratch, you must choose Classic or New Quiz immediately. It is recommended that you select New Quiz for all new quizzes because that is the format that will continue to be supported by Canvas.

2. If you are looking at an existing quiz and you are not sure if it is Classic or New, look at the rocket ship next to the quiz name. New Quizzes will have a solid black rocketship, Classic Quizzes will have a white outline-only rocketship.

For New Quizzes

1. After creating the quiz, click "Build" (See this Canvas article on the basics of Creating a New (Quiz)

2. Click on "Item Banks" (piggy bank), then click on the name of the item bank you'd like to use (you must already have some question banks created).

3. Click the Add All/Random button.

4. Close the Item Banks window.

5. By default, your quiz npw includes all items from the item bank. To change the number of questions, click the Edit icon (pencil next to the name of the bank).

6. In the window that pops up, select "Randomly Select Questions." Then enter the number of questions you would like to include from this bank and the number of points for each question. Finally, Click done.

7. To add more questions from a different bank, repeat steps 2-6 for a different question bank.

For a more detailed description of this process, with pictures, see this Canvas Community article.


For Classic Quizzes

1. Open the quiz. Click the Edit button (pencil).

2. You will see 3 tabs: details, questions, and Mastery Paths. (If you don't see a Questions tab, it is not a classic quiz). Click on the questions tab.

3. Click the New Question Group Button.

4. In the window that pops up, select a name for the question group (eg Chapter 4. Students will not see this name), then enter the desired number of questions from this bank and the points per question.

5. Click "Link to a Question Bank." From the window that pops up, select the Question bank you'd like to use.

6. Click "Create Group."

7. To add more questions from a different bank, repeat steps 3-6 for a different question bank.

For a more detailed description of this process, with pictures, see this Canvas Community article.



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Article ID: 140245
Thu 12/16/21 11:58 AM
Tue 11/28/23 4:18 PM