Request to Add Instructional Support Staff to Canvas Course (Peer Mentors, SI, Embedded Librarian, Etc.)

When would you use this?

Additional users must be added to a Canvas course to provide support to the students and/or instructor.

Applies To:

The guidelines below apply to the following types of instructional support roles:

  • Supplemental Instructors (SI)
  • Peer Mentor
  • Embedded Librarians

All other types of roles, including ASL interpreters, Teaching Assistants in DGCE, or specialized roles, please contact


1. Requests to add instructional support staff to Canvas courses should come from coordinators (Library Staff, CASA staff, etc), not the individual instructors. 

2. If possible, requests should be sent as a batch, before the start of the term.

3. Send list to ETO by emailing

4. In order to expedite enrollment, send the list of enrollments as an Excel or CSV file in the following format (including headers). You may use the attached Excel file as a template

course_id user_id role status
99999 999999999 Peer Leader active
course_id: the CRN of the course. If you do not know this number, you may write the name or course code (eg F24.CHEM.101001)

user_id: the 9-digit Banner ID of the individual to be enrolled (not teacher of the course). If you do not know this number, you may put the full name, email address or userid (eg jsmith) 

role: Embedded Librarian or Peer Leader (for SI, Peer Mentor etc).

status: active (same value for each entry)


Additional Information:

Note to ETO staff and student workers: adding the users manually (by using +People button) is acceptable. The primary reason for adding users as a batch via SIS import is the ability to set the status to "active," thus bypassing the pending status.