By request, some users can be given an administrator role for a sub-account (a subset of courses) in Canvas. There are different types of administrator roles with various levels of permission. Some admins only require limited permissions: such as the ability to post announcements for all courses in the sub-account, or create rubrics that can be used by all courses in the sub-account. In other cases, admins need to be able to view, and even manage the course content of courses in their sub-account. Some examples of institutional roles that may be granted access to sub-accounts in Canvas include: program coordinators, department chairs, the office of Assessment, accessibility coordinators, and more.
If you have been granted an administrator role for a sub-account, here is what you need to know:
How to Access the Administration Area for Your Sub-Account:
1. Click on Admin (the shield with key icon) in your global navigation menu (menu on the far left)
2. In the flyout menu that appears, you will see a list of all the accounts you have administrative access to. For most users, this will only be one account. Click on the name of the account.
3. When you are in your sub-account, you will see a "breadcrumb trail" at the top of the screen indicating which sub-account your are in. For example: "Framingham State University>College of Sci,Tech,Engr,Math>Nursing". Next to your global navigation menu, you will see an "Account Navigation Menu" that looks similar to the Course Navigation menu that you see when you are inside a course.
4. When you click on Courses in your Account Navigation menu, it will bring up a list of courses in your sub-account. Click on the course name to enter the course. Depending on your permissions, you may be able to navigate into every part of the course, or you may not be able to see much course content at all.
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