Mapping a Panopto Folder to a Zoom Meeting

When would you use this?

When you want a recording of a Zoom meeting to end up in a Panopto folder. If you schedule a Zoom meeting from inside your Canvas course (in other words, using the Zoom LTI for Canvas), the meeting will automatically be mapped to the Panopto folder for that course. No setup required.

Therefore, the process described here is for situations in which the meeting was NOT scheduled inside a Canvas course. This would include all recorded Zoom meetings for non-course purposes, or if the instructor forgot to set up the meeting in Canvas.

This process can be done before the meeting has started, or up to 48 hours after the recording has ended.


  1. Find the Zoom Meeting ID
  2. Navigate into Panopto: If you are in Canvas, click Panopto Video in the Course Navigation menu for any course, and then click the Go To Panopto icon (square with arrow pointing to the upper right) in the upper right to open Panopto in a new tab. Or, you can also navigate directly to
  3. Click on your Profile Picture/Icon in the upper right corner of the Panopto page (likely just circle with your initials) and click User Settings
  4. Scroll to find the Meeting Import Settings
  5. Click Add New
  6. Paste your Meeting ID in the first box
  7. Search for the folder you want to add the recording to. You can pick any folder you have access to, including your My Folder.
    • Canvas courses are located under the expandable "Courses" folder
    • You can also search by typing the term (i.e. "Spring 2022")
    • Faculty and staff only have creator access for their personal My Folder, and the course folders for courses in which they are a teacher. Students do not automatically have Creator access for any folder. If a special folder is required (for example, for an academic department or Center), contact to request one.
  8. Click Save to save the mapping

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