How to Share Canvas Course Material using Canvas Commons


How to Share your Course to Canvas Commons

To share an entire course:

1. In Canvas, navigate into the course you want to share.

2. In the Course Navigation Menu (2nd menu from left), click on "Settings" (all the way at the bottom)

3. On the Settings page, click "Share to Commons" in the upper right

4. Choose the audience you'd like to Share the resource with:

  • Only Me
  • All of Framingham State University
  • Groups [See Information about Groups below]
  • Public (any Canvas Commons user)

5. Complete other required fields (indicated with an *)

6. Click "Share"

Note: You can also share individual course components such as Modules, Quizzes, Assignments etc by clicking on the "More" menu for that item (three dots at the far right) and selecting "Share to Commons" from the drop-down menu.

Relate Canvas Guides (with Screenshots):

How to Search for Material that Has Been Shared

1. Click on Commons in the Course Navigation Menu (far left)

2. If you know the name of the course that was shared, type it into the search bar at the top. Keep in mind that it is possible the original instructor saved the course in Commons under a different name.


3. Click on "Filter" to filter available content. By default, the filter is set to "Framingham State University" (material that has been shared with the entire university). Change the filter to view ALL available content (including publicly shared resources from other universities and content providers) or content shared with a specific Group (see information about Groups below). You will only be allowed to view material shared to a Group if you are a member of that Group.

4. Once you have found the course (or course item) you're looking for, click on the its name. You will be taken to a page for that course/item.

5. Click the "import/Download" button on the right-hand side. You will be given the option to either import this course/item, to a different Canvas course shell, or to download a zipped file to your computer (for importing at a later date).

Note: if you are importing an entire course, it is best to have an empty course available. If you do not have one yet, you can either download a zipped file, or import the course into a Sandbox. If you do not have a Sandbox, or need an empty one, email to request one.

Relate Canvas Guides (with Screenshots):

Canvas Commons Groups

If you'd like to share resources with only a small group of users (for example: faculty in your department), it is a good idea to set up a Canvas Commons Group. If you would like to be added to a group or have a new group set up, please contact and provide a list of the users. Please note: a user cannot be added to a group is the user has never visited Canvas Commons before. All users should click on Canvas Commons (In the Canvas Global Navigation Menu) and authorize the connection. This only needs to be done once.

You may only share material with groups that you are a member of.

Relate Canvas Guides (with Screenshots):


Panopto Video: How to Share to Commons



Article ID: 145751
Fri 8/12/22 3:07 PM
Tue 1/7/25 8:44 AM



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Tue 1/7/25 8:44 AM