In general, all regular, credit-bearing courses at FSU are SIS-rostered, meaning that the enrollment of teachers and students is managed by the Student Information System (SIS), Banner. Rosters in Canvas should match those in the SIS, and users should not be enrolled by any other method. Individuals with a course-support role such as Peer Instructors (SI Leaders, Peer Mentors, etc) and ASL interpreters are added manually, but never with the role "Teacher" or "Student".
Sometimes instructors request that an individual be added to a course for a variety of reasons. ETO is willing to perform this action on a case-by-case basis with the following caveats:
- ETO will not provide an individual with access to another instructor's course material without that instructor's permission. If the permission of the instructor of record cannot be obtained, permission may be granted by the dean, department chair or program coordinator.
- ETO will not provide access to student information, unless a valid reason is provided. Even when proper permission is granted, the user requesting access will typically not be given access to student information in the course including grades, roster, contact information, even discussion board posts.
- ETO will not add students to a course for any reason. Students must be officially enrolled through the registrar. Individuals may be added to a Canvas course, by request, in different roles, but these roles will not allow the user to participate in most course activities (assignments, quizzes), or receive grades.
The above-listed reasons are the most common reasons that ETO may not immediately agree to your request, but please do not hesitate to make a request. Contact
There are a variety of different methods that instructors can use to share course materials among themselves. For more information, see: Methods for Sharing Canvas Course Materials between Instructors