Leave of Absence (Graduate and PBTL)

Leave of Absence Information for Graduate or PBTL Students

General Information
A Leave of Absence is required for either the Fall or Spring semester of the Academic Year (Summer terms are excluded except for MBA, MCO, and MSN programs) for which the student does not choose to enroll in classes.

Leaves will not be granted for more than one semester at a time. An extension of the Leave of Absence may be requested but must occur prior to the start of the semester in question. A Leave of Absence may not be taken for two (2) consecutive semesters (for MBA, MCO, and MSN programs, summer terms are required).

A student may request up to four (4) Leaves of Absence (LOA). The policy regarding Time Limits for program completion is not affected by an Approved Leave of Absence.

Leaves of Absence are available for consideration only to continuing Graduate students in good standing (minimum 3.00 GPA).

Leaves of Absence are available for consideration only to continuing PBTL students in good standing (minimum 2.80 GPA).

Students should consult with their program coordinator to determine if the leave of absence is appropriate. The Registrar makes the final decision to approve or deny a request for a Leave of Absence.

Registration information will be sent to the FSU email account and personal email account on file prior to the start of the next registration period and approximately two weeks prior to the term the student is scheduled to return.

In order to remain active in the program before the Leave expires, the student must enroll in courses for the upcoming semester. Should the student not register once the Leave expires, the student will become Inactive at the University and will need to apply for Re-admission in order to resume his/her program of study.

Leave of Absence request must be submitted no later than two (2) weeks prior to the fall or spring semester for which follows the Leave of Absence semester.

Request Service


Service ID: 53945
Fri 9/29/23 12:03 PM
Wed 8/21/24 11:16 AM