When is my computer due to be replaced?


When can I get a new computer?


All replacements are subject to the same procurement policies and procedures as new computers.

Desktop computers are typically replaced every 5 years. Notebook (or laptop) computers are typically replaced every 4 - 5 years. The exact timing of replacements is contingent on available funding.

Computers are considered obsolete when they do not meet the minimum specifications and standards as determined by Information Technology Services. Minimum specifications are determined by the ability to adequately run the recommended Microsoft operating system(s), supported application software, and access available network services. Any computer equipment that is operational, and meets the University standard, can only be replaced or upgraded prior to the renewal cycle with the approval of a Vice President and using funds from departmental budgets.

Environment/Applies To:

All full-time faculty and staff

Additional Information:

Any computer equipment that is replaced must be returned to Information Technology Services. All replacements will be a one-for-one swap unless otherwise approved by the Chief Information Officer. If a computer is determined to have no useful purpose anywhere at the University, it will be sent to the department of Inventory Control for surplus according to the State of Massachusetts surplus equipment procedures.

There is no replacement cycle for monitors or accessories.