Connecting to FSU_Wireless


When would you use this?

When on campus, sign into FSU_Wireless to gain access to the Internet. 


  1. Under your Wi-Fi options, click FSU_Wireless
  2. Use your FSU account in the format:
    1. For students, use your FSU credentials in the format student\username and your FSU password to log in
    2. For employees, use your FSU credentials in the format campus\username and your FSU password to log in

**Be sure to use the backslash (\) NOT forward slash (/)

  1. It may prompt you to trust the certificate. Click OK to any prompt

Environment/Applies To:

FSU_Wireless, Students, Faculty and Staff

Additional Information:

For further support with logging into the Wi-Fi, please visit one of the IT desks in the Whittemore Library.

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Article ID: 136474
Wed 8/4/21 11:15 AM
Thu 9/26/24 1:46 PM

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