Where to Enter the Four Digit Printing Code for Macbooks

When would you use this?

Many facstaff printers require a four digit printer authentication code to print. For Macs, this code can only be entered in the User Authentication sub-menu.


  1. Open the application you wish to print from (e.g. Microsoft Word) and the document you wish to print.
  2. Type in the command ⌘ + P to open the Print dialogue box.
  3. In the Print dialogue box, scroll down to the option titled User Authentication. Click on the (i) symbol on the right.

  1. Check off the User Authentication box.

  1. Next to Enter Login User Name, type in your department's four digit printer code. If you do not know what your printer code is, contact your supervisor.
  2. Click OK. Then, click the Print button.

Environment/Applies To:

Faculty and Staff

Additional Information:

Do not fill in the Login Password section on the User Authentication page. All Password information should remain blank.


Article ID: 152476
Wed 6/21/23 2:15 PM
Tue 1/23/24 2:57 PM