Adding a VoiceThread Activity to your Course through Modules or Assignments

To add a VoiceThread activity to your course:

Modules section

  1. Navigate to the “Modules” area of you course.
  2. Find the module to which you’d like to add VoiceThread, and click the “Add Content” button.
  3. Select “External Tool” from the menu.
  4. Select “VoiceThread” from the list of tools.

This will launch the VoiceThread Setup Page. Proceed to the instructor support page for details about what comes next.

Assignments section

  1. Navigate to the “Assignments” area of your course.
  2. Create a new assignment.
  3. Name the assignment and write a description if you choose.
  4. Under Submission Type, select “External Tool”.
  5. Click on the “Find” button.
  6. Click on “VoiceThread.”

From there VoiceThread offers documentation on different types of activities and how to get started

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Article ID: 152877
Thu 7/13/23 11:39 AM
Thu 7/13/23 2:52 PM

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