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Services or Offerings?
Support for end-point devices, including laptops, desktops, mobile devices, and related peripherals that are not in the printing service. These devices might be personally or institutionally owned (including loaner equipment) and might be part of a shared pool or a computer lab. Includes support for the associated operating system, hardware, and systems that provide enterprise management of computing devices.

Administrative, instructional, and technical support to ensure technology enhanced classrooms, labs and other collaborative spaces on campus are adequately designed, suitably equipped, and fully functional to meet the needs of faculty and students for remote, in person, or blended (a.k.a. Hybrid) teaching and learning modalities.

This service provides administrative, management, and technical support for the University’s E-mail and collaboration service. This includes E-mail and calendaring (Outlook), file sharing (OneDrive), productivity (Office), and integrated collaboration suites (Teams and SharePoint) used to facilitate interactions between individuals and work groups as they create, share, and exchange information.

Centrally managed administrative and technical support for networked printers and copier hardware and software including multi-function devices capable of copying, scanning, faxing, and printing. This also includes print quota systems, 3D printing, and other replicating technologies.