Download Lockdown Browser (individual user)

When would you use this?

Respondus LockDown Browser is a custom browser that locks down the testing environment within Canvas. If your professor requires it for a test, you need to download software before the assessment is taken.

Note: Instructors do not need to download Lockdown Browser in order to use it in their course. Only students taking quizzes must download it.


Windows, Mac (and Chromebook):

To download LockDown Browser for Windows, Mac, or to obtain the Chromebook browser extension, go to and follow the on-screen steps to install the software. 

Note about Chromebook:

Please note that in Canvas, Chromebooks are capable of working with LockDown Browser using the Chrome browser extension (obtained via the URL above) in an up-to-date browser. This Chromebook guide from Respondus can be referenced for details including known issues.


The iPad Edition of "LockDown Browser" available from the Apple App Store enables a student to use an iPad to take exams that require LockDown Browser. However, your instructor must first select a setting that permits the use of iPads for the exam. Students should confirm that their instructor has enabled this setting before attempting to take an exam on an iPad. See this guide from Respondus for instructions on downloading and using LDB on iPad:

Environment/Applies To:

LockDown Browser



Additional Information:

Useful resource
Respondus LockDown Browser Student Quick Start guide (PDF).

Can a Chromebook be used with LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor? (guide from Respondus, the vendor)

If you have any questions, please contact the Education TechnologyOffice: or 508-626-4927. You can also contact IT telephone support at: 508-215-5906.

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Article ID: 134341
Thu 7/22/21 10:56 AM
Wed 8/14/24 11:23 AM