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Services or Offerings?
This service provides administrative, management, and technical support for the University’s enterprise-wide intranet platform (a.k.a. Microsoft SharePoint) which enables academic departments, colleges, administrative offices, and divisions to create and maintain private websites that only allow Framingham State students, faculty, and staff access to documents, forms, and other information resources through a secure login.

Administrative and technical support for the provisioning of software applications that are locally installed on a computer or mobile device, accessed from a Software as a Service (SaaS) provider via the cloud, or accessed from a virtual application or virtual desktop.

This service provides technical and administrative support for video conferencing software, which enables people to participate in meetings and class sessions that are either purely online or some blend of online and in-person. Zoom and Microsoft Teams are the two video conferencing software platforms that are supported by Framingham State University’s Information Technology Services organization.