Commonwealth Information Systems


The scope of Commonwealth of Massachusetts information systems that are included with this service include the following:

  • Warehouse (CIW)


Features and Benefits
  • Login credentials that are needed in order to gain authorized access to Commonwealth of Massachusetts information systems
  • Access privileges that are needed in order to perform job functions
  • Disabling and deleting accounts and access as needed
  • Management controls that help protect against granting unauthorized access to Commonwealth of Massachusetts information such as separation of duties, approvals and audit trails



University staff or faculty that require access to State systems to perform job functions.



New or modified access requires authorization and approval from the Associate Vice President of Finance and Business Service or Assistant Vice President of Human Resources & Equal Opportunity depending on the system access requested.


Requesting this Service

To request access to one of the State Systems, click on “Request New/Modified Access” from this webpage and attach the appropriate signed, security request form.


Related Documentation



Fulfillment Target

Within three business days, someone from Information Technology Services (ITS) will respond to your request. Depending on the complexity of the request and workload within ITS, a target fulfillment date will be set between four and eight weeks out from the initial request. Priority will be given to urgent requests where warranted and efforts will be made to expedite the turnaround time for these requests as may be necessary.



For maintenance (install/configure) with Commonwealth VPN, click here.


Request New/Modified Access


Service ID: 51645
Thu 3/10/22 9:22 AM
Tue 12/5/23 2:23 PM