Department or Secondary Accounts


A shared account can be used for impersonation (e.g., test accounts), service accounts (e.g., automated tasks), E-mail accounts, or to access some sort of common asset. Included in this service are the following:

• Creation of a new departmental or secondary account
• Granting access privileges to an account owner contingent upon approval of the head of the academic department or administrative office (a.k.a. the sponsor)
• Granting delegate access to a secondary account to authorized individuals contingent on the approval of the account owner
• Re-assigning account ownership as requested by sponsor and re-assigning delegate access as requested by the account owner
• Troubleshooting reported incidents and problems



Faculty and Staff


Features and Benefits

A single username and password login credential for multiple people.



Department or secondary accounts must be sponsored by the head of the academic department or administrative office and managed by a designated full-time employee. This means that the Full-time person will be the owner of the account and will be the only one who can manage the password for the account. The password for a department or secondary account can only be changed by the account owner.


Requesting the Service

Click on “Request Assistance” from this web page in order to provide us with some basic information about your unmet or anticipated need and then submit your request.


Related Documentation

Acceptable Use Policy


Fulfillment Target

Within three business days, someone from Information Technology Services (ITS) will respond to your request. Depending on the complexity of the request and workload within ITS, a target fulfillment date will be set between two and four weeks out from the initial request. Priority will be given to urgent requests where warranted and efforts will be made to expedite the turnaround time for these requests as may be necessary.


Request a Department or Secondary Account Report a Problem with a Dept or Shared Account


Service ID: 52181
Mon 7/18/22 2:47 PM
Thu 7/28/22 3:32 PM

Service Offerings (2)

Request a Department or Secondary Account
This service provides the administrative and technical support for creating and maintaining shared accounts that two or more individuals have access to for a department, position, project, or function.
Report a Problem with Dept or Secondary Account
This service provides the administrative and technical support for issues involving shared accounts that two or more individuals have access to for a department, position, project, or function.