ePortfolio Management


The e-Portfolio platforms currently supported by the University’s Information Technology Services (ITS) organization include the Canvas Folio tool and web-based tools such as Google Sites.  Services include:

  • Consultation in advance of sharing an e-Portfolio assignment with students
  • Assistance in creating a rubric to evaluate student work
  • Documentation that may be referenced by both students to inform how to use the tool and answers to frequently asked questions.



Any faculty member or student who wants to use technology to showcase their work and academic accomplishments.


Features and Benefits

An e-Portfolio (electronic portfolio) is a digitally curated collection of work that documents and showcases knowledge, skills, abilities, reflection, and growth over time. An e-Portfolio may include text, electronic files, images, multimedia, blog entries, and hyperlinks. For students, a portfolio can enrich the learning experience, prepare students for a field of study, and sharpen technological skills.





Requesting the Service

Use the “Request Assistance” or "Report an Issue" button on this web page to provide basic information about your unmet; anticipated needs, or problem, then click "Submit". 


Related Documentation

Nursing ePortfolio Support (Knowledge Article)


Fulfillment Target

Within two business days, the Education Technology Office will respond to the requestor to acknowledge the service request if not resolved or fulfilled on first contact and schedule an appointment if needed.


Request Assistance Report an Issue


Service ID: 52904
Tue 12/27/22 11:58 AM
Tue 12/27/22 12:21 PM