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This service provides technical and administrative support for video conferencing software, which enables people to participate in meetings and class sessions that are either purely online or some blend of online and in-person. Zoom and Microsoft Teams are the two video conferencing software platforms that are supported by Framingham State University’s Information Technology Services organization.

This service provides a blend of technical and administrative support for webinars, sometimes also referred to as virtual events, which are purely online gatherings that consist of some sort of informative or instructional presentation with one or more people speaking to a relatively larger audience than what’s typical for a class session or meeting. Zoom Webinar is the virtual event software platform that is supported by Framingham State University’s Information Technology Services organization.

Request a meeting with ITS to discuss needs and plans for future virtual events. These consultations are mostly directed at event hosts are looking into options for holding their event and are looking for advise or additional options to be presented.