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Support for end-point devices, including laptops, desktops, mobile devices, and related peripherals that are not in the printing service. These devices might be personally or institutionally owned (including loaner equipment) and might be part of a shared pool or a computer lab. Includes support for the associated operating system, hardware, and systems that provide enterprise management of computing devices.

This service provides purchasing consultation, hardware procurement, configuration, distribution, loaning, asset tracking, refreshing (upgrades and replacements), and technology recycling for university owned computers that are supported by the Information Technology Services organization before, during, and after their use until the time they are no longer the property of Framingham State.

Administrative and technical support for the provisioning of software applications that are locally installed on a computer or mobile device, accessed from a Software as a Service (SaaS) provider via the cloud, or accessed from a virtual application or virtual desktop.

Administrative, instructional, and technical support to ensure technology enhanced classrooms, labs and other collaborative spaces on campus are adequately designed, suitably equipped, and fully functional to meet the needs of faculty and students for remote, in person, or blended (a.k.a. Hybrid) teaching and learning modalities.

Faculty, Administrators and Staff, please use this service to request remote access. This is the service you should be using to request any type of remote access such as: VPN, GotoMyPc etc

Specialized administrative, curriculum, and technology support that augments what is provided by Colleges, Centers, and Academic Departments and is beyond the scope of what is otherwise provided by the University’s Information Technology Services (ITS) organization.

This service helps to prepare for and provide a response to known or possible instances of compromised systems or breached security in order to mitigate damage, ensure legal compliance, and expedite remediation.

This service provides administration and support for the University’s voice and communications systems used for telephony (VoIP, SIP and analog), voicemail, conference calling, virtual “soft phones”, call queues, ring groups and digital receptionists (formerly “phone trees” or auto-attendants).

This service provides the appropriate management and oversight mechanisms to ensure reliability, scalability, physical security and operation of University physical and virtual data centers, inclusive of on-premises, remote, and cloud-based data centers (a.k.a. Infrastructure as a Service or IaaS).

This service offers faculty and staff access to a secure vault for storing all university passwords.

The Network and Connectivity Management service offered by the University's central IT organization encompasses the architecture, installation, and operation of essential infrastructure components required for network connectivity. This includes network cabling, switches, wireless access points, routers, and firewalls. The service also covers the connection of devices (including Internet of Things devices) to the network, the implementation of secure access measures, and appropriate authentication procedures such as network registration systems.

For general issues logging into any of Framingham State applications.

This service provides technical and administrative support for video conferencing software, which enables people to participate in meetings and class sessions that are either purely online or some blend of online and in-person. Zoom and Microsoft Teams are the two video conferencing software platforms that are supported by Framingham State University’s Information Technology Services organization.

This service provides a blend of technical and administrative support for webinars, sometimes also referred to as virtual events, which are purely online gatherings that consist of some sort of informative or instructional presentation with one or more people speaking to a relatively larger audience than what’s typical for a class session or meeting. Zoom Webinar is the virtual event software platform that is supported by Framingham State University’s Information Technology Services organization.

Change Management effectively controls the lifecycle of all modifications to IT infrastructure and enterprise application services through standardized methods and procedures. The primary objective is to enable beneficial changes to be made with minimum disruption.